How To Calm Your Crying Baby


Is your baby crying all of the time? Try this new move with your little one. Watch this clip to see a very easy and gentle way to calm your baby. The breakdown of each step is shown very clearly. Dr. Hamilton did an excellent job showing this technique!

Enjoy your calm and quiet time 🙂


A New TV Show Is Looking For YOU!

Are you and your mom ready to be on TV? A brand new TV show is being created. Production is ready to move forward with their new show! Casting is searching for the right people to star in the new series. It could be you!

Please watch the video below for more info! Good Luck


A 17 Year Old Fakes A Pregnancy To Prove A Point

What a powerful message! This young lady pretended to be expecting to fully understand how it feels to be a pregnant teen. In doing so, she has gained a full perspective on the situations, emotions, and challenges that pregnant girls face daily throughout the world.

You can never judge someone until you have walked in their shoes. She has done so, courageously!

Well done!

Check out the video below 🙂

Try this non toxic cleaner in your own home!

A lot of the mainstream cleaners can contain toxic chemicals. You want to avoid cleaning with harmful chemicals in your home. Especially with you being pregnant and a little baby on the way.

You may not feel up to cleaning throughout your pregnancy. However, there may be times where you have nesting urges. When these urges come up, and all that you want to do is clean and organize, try this tip!

With Love,


How to give your thyroid a boost, by using liquid iodine every day!

Are you exhausted?
Do you have really low energy?
Are you losing large amounts of hair?
Are you trying to lose weight and can’t? That’s only if you are not pregnant 🙂

You may need to give your thyroid a little bit of attention. Many women, men and kids have issues with their thyroid. This is because they aren’t adding iodine in to their diet.
Where is your thyroid and what does it do?

The thyroid gland or thyroid, is found in your neck below your Adam’s apple. It controls how quickly your body uses energy, makes proteins, and controls how sensitive your body is to other hormones. The thyroid also produces hormones which regulate many other systems in your body. So it is important to keep one of your main control centres healthy.

Some people like to be tested. They take the tests and the results come back, saying that their thyroid is fine. However, most doctors only recognize that you have a thyroid problem if you are under 20%. To be living with optimal levels, you want be closer to 65% or above. 

If you are having problems with your thyroid, a great way to keep yourself and your family on track, is by taking Iodine.

Liquid Iodine is really easy to use. I enjoy taking the Trophic Liquid Iodine. In the morning after a meal is a good time to take it. This way you are ready for the day. You will want to take your iodine every day. I like to add a couple of drops to orange juice. Other people I know just take the drops straight. However, iodine has a very metallic taste to it, that’s why I prefer to mix it with another liquid, such as juice.

Here is something to keep in mind. When taking iodine, the amount of drops that you take, can vary depending on the size of your breasts. This is because one drop goes straight to the breasts. Of course this is only if you are a girl.

One drop of Trophic Iodine contains 600 mcg. Your thyroid needs an average of 600 mcg a day. Your breasts will first soak up any iodine that you are getting, leaving the thyroid with nothing. This is why you need to not only take a drop for the thyroid, but you must also make up for the breasts as well. This is why the amount will vary depending on what size your breasts are.

For example, if you are an 
A cup you will absorb 100-200 mcg daily.

B cups absorb 200-300
C cups absorb 400-500
D cups and over will absorb 500-600 mcg

There are 600 mcg’s in one drop of Iodine. If you are anywhere between an A to C cup, then it’s a great idea to rotate and take one drop one day then two the next.

If you take too many drops you may feel very animated and maybe even shaky 🙂 So if you are feeling like that, you may want to cut one drop out the next time you take it. Pay attention to how you are feeling and you will find out what works best for you.

Don’t forget, if you are pregnant, that if you aren’t getting enough iodine then your baby isn’t either. When your baby is born this may effect his or her immune system. So you want to make sure that it is nice and strong. This way your baby can fight off infections, bacteria, and diseases. 

Also, when you have a low thyroid it can make you more anxious, your thoughts may race all of the time, and you may have depression. This is such an easy fix! It really is best to take a couple of drops of iodine every day. I mean, come on how easy is that?

With Love,


All medical content has been approved by Thomas J. Moore, Medical Intuitive.

How to Conquer Your Body Image!

The way that you view your body is so important. Many people have a very challenging time because they don’t approve of their body. They may not feel like they are the “correct” size, shape or weight.

The way that you view your body, will change and fluctuate throughout your life. This is because you will be growing and changing too.

Start having a healthy, fun and light feeling around your body image. If you start NOW, you will save yourself years of worry and stress. Stop hiding, covering and disapproving of your beautiful body. Your body deserves respect.

It is time for you to begin. Be proud of your body!

With Love,


Face Tip: Make Your Own Amazing Cleanser For Under $1.00!

During your pregnancy your skin changes. You may be trying to save money too. While expensive cleansers, exfoliation masks and special lotions may look exciting to you, all that your skin really needs is a mask that will work! Here is my recipe for an amazingly simple cleanser that you can make in just minutes.

Did I mention that is costs less than a dollar? What are you waiting for? Check it out!

If you found this helpful, SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR TEEN PREGNANCY on YouTube for more valuable tips.
With Love,

Um… I Don’t Know

Your doctor or midwife just asked you a question, do you find yourself staring blankly back at them? Do you feel like you missed something in class? Are you embarrassed when you don’t know the answer, let alone what that person is talking about? Do you feel really stupid; like a huge idiot?

Are you getting mad at yourself for not knowing about

– Certain medical terms that are foreign to you

– Pregnancy facts

– What is or is not normal for a pregnant woman

– How to prepare for a new baby

– What you can or can’t eat during a pregnancy, etc.

Well, PLEASE… Stop beating yourself up. This is new to you! Every single little thing, from the physical changes all of the way to the pregnancy information, this is entirely new to you.  You most likely were not planning on having a baby at this time in your life. Give yourself a break!

BE OPEN to new information. If you don’t know something, as embarrassing as it may be, ask. You need to know what is going on with you and your baby. This is your new job. If they answer you quickly and you still don’t understand, say “Could you please elaborate” or “I still don’t understand, could you please tell me more about so and so —“.

Then the next time they ask you about this topic, you WILL know 🙂 This is one of the best ways to learn new things anyways. You are getting a great learning moment, when someone takes the time to explain something and show you different types of examples.

Don’t be the person who just sits there and nods their head, with a smile on their face, that gets you no where. You aren’t fooling anyone (believe me, I was that person).

You are going to be making life decisions for your baby… This is important.

Do your best to learn. Put yourself aside and focus on knowing these new facts yourself, for your baby’s health.

With Love,


Put Yourself First

Here is a tip!

This is one thing that I wished that I had learned earlier on in my own pregnancy.

Once you make your decision to keep the baby, that’s it. You have to move forward. People may have judgements and opinions, but it is not their life. It is yours. This doesn’t give you permission to be rude or impatient with the person. It just means that you have to think of yourself and do what is best for you. Please put yourself first and give yourself permission to take care of YOU!

Sometimes words are extremely powerful and will want to stick to you, let the comments, facial expressions, and rude remarks roll off of your back. Try not to take them to heart. Don’t waste your precious time and energy on people who don’t approve of you. The only approval you need, is your own 🙂

With Love,


What A Powerful Feeling…


When I first became pregnant, I felt different. I felt like there was something else that I was responsible for. It was a feeling of looking out for another person. Before I even took a pregnancy test, I had this feeling. I didn’t feel like I was alone anymore, because I wasn’t 🙂

It is such a funny sensation! For example, when I would cross the street, instead of quickly checking both ways and just going for it, I would stop, and make sure, (I had to be absolutely certain that it was safe to cross the street)  before proceeding. In my mind, I knew that there was something valuable that I was protecting inside of me.

It feels like, you are in charge of a very important gift, or perhaps the feeling of when you wear a piece of jewellery or an expensive piece of clothing. You don’t want to get it dirty or heaven forbid, break the item or lose it! I think this feeling is absolutely amazing and wonderful. This tight, direct, and focussed love between mother and baby is beyond words. I think the feeling slowly evolves into the Mama Bear feeling, of protecting one’s child, and making sure that they are safe and taken care of.

I always found it so comforting to know that my little one was safe and cooking away!

With Love,
